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Wednesday Night Bible Study: Verse by Verse 

Wednesday nights are growing nights! Our Wednesday night Bible study is in depth and yet open conversation. Lead by Pastor Kenin, it is a fantastic  place and fit for every level of student...Bible novices to Bible scholars. 

Everyone will leave feeling challenged and inspired. Wednesdays at 6:30pm

Teen Ministry - Wednesday Nights

Our new Youth Leader intern, McKenna, is doing a wonderful job leading our teens in their own Bible Study. Our teens are comprised of 5 grade through 18. Our teens are also very involved with other ministries like Teen Mission Jasper County. More on that below.

Children's Ministry

Sunday Mornings

Children bring such fun and joy to our lives! Our children's ministry is a growing ministry.  We're thrilled to announce that our new children's area is up and running! Jody is doing a phenomenal job leading our teachers and the children love the new atmosphere.


We know that children are the heart of the church and we hope to continue to build this ministry and show these little ones just how much they are loved by Jesus and HC

Men's Breakfast is the first Saturday of each month. Men of all ages, from Hope and other ministries around town, get together, have a hearty breakfast and a time of worship. Each month a different speaker comes. The building is often filled with laughter and song.

Men's Group is a new ministry. The men meet twice a month in homes. Men's group is a discussion group for our men to share their burdens and joys.

Men's activities: 
Pajama Club for Women

Women are busy!! Most women would love to have time to sit down and just talk with other women but finding time to get together is almost impossible. Add to that Indiana's chilly winters. So, we decided to start a late night club that women can attend after all their chores are done. We throw on our pjs, grab a warm drink and sit down in our own home and meet with others... online.

There is lots of great discussions, laughter, and fun.

We meet every other Thursday night at 8pm

Winter- Fireside Chats

Fireside Chats/Patio Chats are new at HC. This is an opportunity for individuals to sit and chat with Cherie' &/or Pastor Kenin in their home or office to discuss challenges, struggles or just to spend some time talking one on one with us. Need to talk? Sign up as your schedule permits.

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Summer- Patio Chats

Ministries & Outreaches

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TEEN MISSION JASPER COUNTY was designed by teens for teens as a mission trip in their own home home and it began at Hope Community. It is put on by numerous Jasper County ministries every summer. Wheelchair ramps are built, yards are landscaped, houses are painted, along with numerous other assistance. This assistance is offered free of charge each year to the needy. In fact, the teens raise money all year to be able to offer it for free. Find out more at 



Our Missionaries

Hope Community supports several missionaries, both those who serve on foreign soil and those who serve domestically.


​Evan & Lydia Smith - Ministry: Cru ministry to college students

Heart to Heart - - Ministry: Orphanage, Haiti

Jeff & Betsy Hart - Ministry: Worship Ministry for small churches

Ethan & Grace Thomas - Ministry: 7 Rivers, South Africa

JT Feagans - Ministry: Adoption agency & orphanage, Bolivia

Ryan & Sarah Smith - Ministry: Lighthouse Operators, US based

Pastor Ben Owino​ - Ministry: Let the Needy Smile, Uganda

Women's Shelter Jasper county







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