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Hope Community had no intention of becoming 'a church' when we began meeting together, but "God added to our numbers" so much that we soon moved to the basement of the community center. In 2010, we bought a warehouse and began the slow process of turning it into a place of worship.

Through the years we've made a lot of alterations to that old warehouse. 

Now as our beloved house of worship, it is where we meet today:

609 N. McKinley, Rensselaer, IN 47978.


We are an independent, non-denominational ministry focused on the Bible as God's Word. We study it and strive to live it.


We believe ministries should be active in their community and work to combine with others to love our them in a tangible way.


Here are some of the ways we are trying to do this:


--Teen Mission - a 'mission trip' to our own community: fixing houses,

yards, building wheelchair ramp, etc. for zero cost to the home owner.


--Rensselaer Ministerial Association which helps the homeless and those who need short-term help


--Salvation Army money raising & provisions


--Little Cousin Jasper - Sunday morning outreach


--Cruise Night Outreach/ Children's outreach


--Christmas Box Outreach Collection Center


--Recovery House -  any way we can.


--The Women's Shelter


--These are just a few and we long to grow in this.





Rev. Kenin Smith
Pastor, counselor, leader, friend

Core Members:

Administrative team who works to humbly lead

the spiritual ministry:

Pastor Kenin Smith

 Tom & Nancy Phillips

Bryan & Jody Burton

Cherie' Smith - Worship leader

McKenna Boerner- Youth Leader Intern



Administrative team which oversees all things on our physical building:

Jeremy Banister

Dan Scripter

Statement of faitH & Belief

Our mission statement:
“Hope Community exists to bring love and healing through the Gospel of Jesus Christ and empower people to live a life of godly influence.”



At Hope Community, we believe:

  • The Bible is the complete, authoritative Word of God and can be trusted to lead us to salvation.

  • There is one God, the Creator and Preserver of all things, infinite in being and perfection. He exists eternally in three Persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

  • Jesus Christ is God's perfect Son.

  • We believe that He, Jesus, died for our sins, was buried, was resurrected, and now offers salvation to all who will receive Him in faith. He is the One and only way to heaven. 

  • Baptism does not save, but is the first act of obedience after salvation.

  • We believe in a literal heaven and a literal hell. It is God’s desire that everyone go to heaven. He sent His Son, Jesus, for that very purpose. He offers salvation to everyone and anyone who will turn and accept His gift of salvation through repentance in the name of Jesus Christ. 

  • The Believer and Follower of Jesus is then to live a holy life; dedicated to grow more like Jesus everyday.

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